
Helping you to help yourself

Plantar Fasciitis

Suffering from plantar fasciitis in Auckland ? Learn what it is, its symptoms, causes, and

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Does my ITB syndrome need treatment?

ITB syndrome is a common problem for runners and starts as pain on the lateral

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A Word About Medical Scans

Debunking Back Pain Myths with a Smile

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The Mind-Body Connection

How Osteopathy can improve Mental Health

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10 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Osteopathy

Unlock Better Health with this Gentle, Holistic Therapy

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Runners Knee

Is knee pain holding you back on your run?

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Pregnancy SPD

How to recover from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) during your pregnancy and why it’s important

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Baby Position

Is your baby lying breech? Are you worried about what that might mean for you

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Carpal Tunnel

If you have tingling, numb and painful hands during pregnancy, it’s likely to be caused

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Can’t even chew that winter stew?

Having trouble with your jaw when chewing or yawning?  Do you experience locking or immense

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Men’s Health Week – wait – wasn’t that last week?!

In our quest to write the perfect newsletter detailing Men’s Health, we seem to have

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How well are you sleeping?

Sleeping is often seen as a luxury, a sign of idleness, rather than a vital

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Tired of sitting all day – Driving a desk a lot??

Given the large majority of us work long hours, and spend a reasonable portion of

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Manage Your ITB Syndrome

A common injury with distance runners is ITB syndrome. This is pain on the lateral

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Riverhead Rampage

Today we bring you an interview with Matt Rayment – father of three, full time

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A new way to drink coffee…

New year, new you, new way to drink coffee… Something about saying goodbye to an

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Xmas Traditions

Well, surely we have all noticed it’s that time of year again. The Christmas trees

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Is stress affecting your physical health?

Now that we no longer face the threats of being chased and eaten by lions,

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Is it really that bad to use my back like a crane?

Yes. It really is! And whether you’ve been given a great strong flexible one or

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Self-help guide to back pain

As these Spring days get lighter and longer many of us dust off our exercise

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New website and other things…

It’s been a while but here we are again, back and excited about keeping you

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Treating Lower Back Pain

Treating lower back pain is not rocket science. If you have the right information and use proven treatment

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The Painkiller Minefield

What do you do when your back or neck hurts beyond belief but looking at the

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How ACC can work for you

ACC seems to cause confusion for many but it’s actually relatively simple. Here’s the run

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Quick Tips for Back Care

We’re sure the cave people didn’t have this amount of back trouble. Modern lifestyle means

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Are you sitting right?

More and more, people are complaining of head ache, neck ache, lower back pain and

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