Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are hearing a lot about bone broth this year. It’s reportedly so good for you that we should be starting our day with it instead of coffee – but is it really worth the switch?

Bone broth is not new; it simply seems to be having a surge in popularity as people look towards knowing where their food is coming from and adding in the good stuff to their diet, rather than simply taking away the bad. Bone broth differs from stock, primarily in the length of time it is cooked. Boiling the bones for 12-24 hours is thought to release the minerals from the bone into the broth, as well as the gelatinous components of the joints. The end result is a bowl of meaty-looking jelly that is far more beneficial to your health than it is appealing to your eye.

Homemade broth is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other trace minerals. There is plenty of gelatin which supports your joints and protein to help your body grow and repair. Glycine is released into the broth which supports stomach acid levels and may relieve symptoms of reflux. Glutamine helps to nourish and heal a leaky gut which can reduce the symptoms of inflammation around the body. All of these are easily absorbed by your body in broth form and nourish your immune system, digestive system, and overall growth and repair.

So, what’s not to love about bone broth? The smell as it cooks can be a little off-putting. The smell of a few roasting knuckle joints is not the most welcoming aroma to arrive home to! But the benefits of broth are clear for our health. It’s good for our wallets, and one simple recipe can provide the basis for sauces, soups, gravies, and plain old cups of hot broth. It seems that grandma was right- chicken soup can pretty much fix everything.

Here’s a great basic broth recipe from Dr. Mercola, a visionary man with the fairly substantial goal of preserving and enhancing the health of our global community.

Dr. Mercola’s Basic Bone Broth Recipe


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